Monday, October 29, 2007

New Chieftain Press Release

After deliberations lasting several days, Clan MacTavish have chosen Dracmuller to be the chieftain of the clan.

Press Release

Preceded by sounds of applause and good cheer, Dracmuller emerged from MacTavish's Hut and announced that the Clan had appointed him Chieftain by acclamation.

"Clan MacTavish and all true friends, hear me!" he said.

"You see before you the Chieftain of Clan MacTavish! The mantle of chieftainship is an honour I will accept humbly but carry with pride!

"My first announcement as Chieftain is to invite any who disagree strongly with any decision of mine to come forth and speak with me before taking any rash action."

Sent to the Scottish Herald

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