Monday, October 22, 2007

Letter back to Mordrag

Mordrag, reporter of clan affairs ("politics") for the Herald, has responded already to my tip. Here's the response I sent to his musings:


Thanks for quick reply.

We aren't related to the real IRL MacTavishes. So we're not necessarily related to the MacDonalds (although a few of our clan members have ties). I could talk to you for awhile about the various relationships we have with various clans - but it hasn't really been generated ingame as yet (just a bit of scene setting for our cyberselves). But, those family links to the MacDonalds are real (ingame) and lie in the Drummore branch of the clan.

This isn't really politics (the hut, that is) just a bit of fun. It's what happens behind closed doors which is politics.

I think using as a bit of an atmospheric preamble to your reportage of the Clan Gathering, light hearted but not disrespectful, would be in keeping with the ethic of the hut.

But, freedom of the press prevails so do what thou shalt!

Dracmuller MacTavish

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