Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Clan and Press Relations

I replied to a recent letter from MacDonald:

You ask who is to write the coming article: Mordrag, to be published in Scottish Herald next edition.

You ask what their motives are: He is listed as 'Clan Politics' sub-editor for Scottish Herald. Has a deadline for submission to editorial committee of Monday (29th) [and they're not all Campbells!]. I assume his motive is to write an interesting and informative piece of journalism. I will give him this grace unless he proves me wrong.

I let him know of existence of MacTavish Hut to provide 'atmosphere' or 'background' for his main stuff. I made this explicit. It was the Hut I wanted to see in the paper, not the MacTavishes. I didn't mention your clan in my 'press release'.

He got back to me, saying "...Thanks a lot for the hint, it's a nice idea for an article. I also know that most of you were Donalds... Maybe i can work a bit around this point too...I don't want it to sound like an advert for a clan :D"

I said:

"...those family links to the MacDonalds are real (ingame) and lie in the Drummore branch of the clan.

"...The link with MacDonald is one of honour more than blood. You see, Eileen MacTavish had to flee Galloway with her sister Elen. Eileen left her son, Lizardking, with her best friend, a MacDonald, on the promise that she'd raise him as her own. Which she did.

It was only very recently that we had interpreted a parchment Elen left behind. It contains a partial genealogy of Clan MacTavish, including the forebears of Lizardking and his ma.

The evidence of this parchment, and the wishes of Lizardking himself, led Alexmac MacDonald and myself to reach the agreement we did."

Our exchange ended with him saying:

"...Thanks for clearing my ideas before i could have done an unforgivable mistake LOL.Anyway, that's a nice background story..."

Maybe I should have just shut up?!!
Live and learn.

I think the initial misapprehension came about because the tale of Lizardking seems to have had some currency in recent past.

I think, let us see what the reporter writes. He knows we watch. Poor guy.

Dracmuller MacTavish

Here is the letter I'd received from MacDonald:

Hmmm i would be interested to know who exactly is to do this story and what they're motives are. Thankyou for telling me and for clearing this up i will try to do what i can from my end.

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