Monday, December 3, 2007

Roll Call - Jayne

Hello, this is a belated continuation to Lady Robin's idea.

IRL, I am a normal, broke Texas college student and, consequently, my life tends to be a little boring. Not to mention, I really have no life outside of school. lol. I have two remaining semesters of undergraduate work and then hopefully I'll be admitted to law school. (Time will tell...) I spend the rest of my weekdays working for federal attorneys as a lowly file clerk. In my free time, I like to hang out with my husband, friends, and family. There's not much else to do in my neck of the woods. Random tidbit: I'm actually a Californian at heart. :-)

IG, I am a 20 year old widowed corn farmer living in Drummore.


RobinK said...

Yay!! Glad to see you post!

Adelaide Gamer said...

Thanks for joining us here Jayne. I wonder who will be the next to join the Roll Call?