Wednesday, December 26, 2007

More stuff on UCS political party

The following is my recent response to an invitation by Tobbi, Chieftain of the Kennedys, top become involved in the political party called United Clans of Scotland. I reproduce his original letter underneath.

Season's greetings, Tobbi Kennedy!

I note with interest your recent mail. I have previously discussed a similar solitication with Julius of the Campbells. Out of liking for you personally, and respect for your clan, I repeat roughly here what I have said with him.

Politics divides, clans unite. Oil and water. The clans already carry moral authority, they will have legislative power in near future. Many, if not most, of the members of government from both town and county already are members of clans, or clanlike organisations. Their clan identity will already be framing their actions. What need therefore for a separate political party?

We MacTavishes have many and varied political viewpoints, we cannot be bound by any except that which proclaims freedom for scotland. Anything other would be to invite fraction into our midst. Thus, while I am sure that you can count upon a strong MacTavish vote I do not think that you will see us in your party as a clan.

Can individuals join your party as such (as long as they are clanned)? What chance a decent place on your list for such a one?

(raises glass)

Dracmuller of Whithorn
Chieftain of Clan MacTavish

Here's Tobbi's original letter:

This letter is to invite you to join our party which is called United Clans of Scotland. As you see, this party is trying to get all the clans together for a United and strong Scotland. I think our ideas will please you cause our goals are noble and we're not there for power but as people of service for the communities.

I would be very happy to see your Clan being active with us. 3 representatives are allowed per Clan for now so maybe you can talk to your members to see if they would be interested.If you want to become a part of this journey, just hit me back. I'm sure we can do great things all together. ;)

Also, happy holidays Drac.
^o^Tobbi Kennedy

NB - For those that want to get involved as individuals, that is still feasible. Contact me to contact Tobbi to contact JO to gain access (though I note that the list of those standing for election is almost full)

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