Sunday, December 2, 2007

Direct Action on Meat!

There is a Galloway wide shortage of meat due various reasons, some of them limited to specific towns, some of them county wide. Ayr will soon develop its own problems, if they aren't evident already.

In Whithorn, one of the problems are the market manipulations of other residents, forcing folk to beg for what should be theirs by right. Anyway, we are trying to see if we can pool together our clan resources to make sure that we, and other stubborn types like ourselves, get a fair go.

The Fraser Clan is, like us, composed of mainly level 1s and over represented in Whithorn. As such they are both on the 'outer' of the kingdom's elitist power structures, and victims of the meat shortage. As I like these Frasers, and as we share more common ties with them than any other clan, I have sought to get them involved in our cunning plan (Lady Gypsy Rose is their leader).

Lady Gypsy,
I write concerning two things. Firstly, have you recently had approaches made to you, seeking to draw your clan into governmental political arena? I have, and rejected the proposal out of hand.
Secondly, you and your kin are no doubt as concerned about the meat situation in Whithorn as myself and mine. It is my assessment that things are worse for us at present due to market manipulations. For example, why is a butcher trawling the market for meat, if not to fulfill some private 'deal' he has made? All those who don't want to go cap in hand to the 'providers' have to take their chances on the open market, when the meat and HHW supply is being controlled ever more tightly.
Anyway, MacTavish have two butchers and a number of pigfarmers in town. We are about to set up an alternate supply chain to the present one. We don't wish to limit it to ourselves, but are a bit wary of just putting our goods on the market where the manipulators will likely get them.
As we hold yourself and your clan in high regard, we wonder if you would not mind working with us so that we can help build up your folk as well as ours. Once we start making inroads into the hold the manipulators have, I would like to see us try and open up the market to all.
I think both of our clans have a number of people who will soon reach level 2, so we can return a bit of civility to our town in near future... If you think we can work together on this, let me know.
Dracmuller MacTavish


Adelaide Gamer said...

I've also written to county prosecutor to see if anything that's going on is illegal and can be dealt with that way...

Adelaide Gamer said...

And now I'm engaging in debate in the suspect butcher's shop ...

RobinK said...

I saw that. You are a brave man. I'm watching and holding my breath.

Adelaide Gamer said...

Very intricate conversation, trying to avoid the ultimate insult which will lead to inevitable consequence if said. Not easy, to stay in check...

RobinK said...

And now they have accused YOU. Did you happen to save screen shots of your events? Because at this point, they (Savanna, LFA, et. al) are being accusatory toward YOU.


Adelaide Gamer said...

screen shots etc should only be for courts. That has to be a last resort, cause I hate courts. I AM seeking legal advice, however, in case that proves necessary.

The can yap all they want, as long as they don't go around treating this town like its their own private feif.

Savanna came right up to the line, but she is a bit ignorant. This is how they bait folk, just when it seems over, in come their yapping cavalry to throw insults at a person's back.

I trust they will leave it be. I have little patience left.

RobinK said...

You are such a gentleman. I fear I would not be as nice, and this is why I could not be a political leader. I'll speak my little piece about veggies, but you are smooth and very measured. I admire that.

And if your patience grows thin, it doesn't show in public!!

kwakiutlCS said...

this end the discussion of the previous post(before it even started),I think

Adelaide Gamer said...

I'd have never agreed to this clan as a clan becoming politicised. Not unless we called the shots, and I can't see that happening.

As to the butcher shop dispute, looks like they have stopped yelling insults and I have managed to walk away without drawing steel. I wonder how Lfa will be with me when next we meet?

Adelaide Gamer said...

Well. Putting up with continued insults appears to be the price I must now pay for daring to open my mouth in a Campbell establishment. Notice how only campbells seem to be joining in? Our motto translates roughly as 'never forget', and I won't.

Anyway, goal seems to have been achieved. Trade in the shop brought to a standstill at present. Lfa selling meat on open market. No-one taken to court.

Adelaide Gamer said...

And Lfa and I had a long talk in pub, which Kwakiutlcs witnessed. No resolution reached. I don't think he likes me.

Oddly enough, there is much respect between us (I think).