Monday, March 16, 2009

Why I am in Retreat and Other Mysteries

Hello, family!

LadyRobin here, stealing a little space to let you know that even though I'm currently bouncing between 5 minute player and retreat, I'm not going anywhere! I've been swamped with Real Life (school, cancer treatment, illness of parents, etc.) and needed to step back for a bit.

Hopefully, if all goes well, I'll be back in the saddle full time by April. They've changed my chemo and so we are waiting to see how this one works. I have the second round of the latest, mean chemo this Friday, and the first round kicked my butt!

IG, I am on a trip with young Raibeart, hiding from his evil relatives as they come looking to take him away from me. Rage is holding down the fort while we're gone, but I promise we'll be back!

I hope this finds you all well and looking forward to spring/April (not sure if that's spring in Australia, truthfully!)

Your erstwhile relative,

1 comment:

Adelaide Gamer said...

Robin, lovely to hear from you. We truly hope that you manage to navigate through life's difficulties with some sanity intact at the end of it. We will be here, awaiting your return with keen eagerness.

It's autumn here in Aussie ('fall' to you, I suppose). Still hitting thirty celcius.