Sunday, May 18, 2008

A quieter week in the Kingdom

This has been a quieter week in the kingdom of scotland.

Constitutionally speaking, Galloway's outgoing council ratified the draft Constitution as its final act before departing office. Therefore, all three counties and the Gathering of the Clans have all supported the draft. It has now been submitted to King James the Second for his consideration. If and when he approves our Constitution, the National Assembly will assemble, clan armies will become lawful, and the fun will begin.

Politically speaking, Antek MacTavish has gracefully retired from Galloway Council, having not stood for re-election. Not a complaint was heard of his performance during the most tumultous council term Galloway has yet experienced. Well done Antek! Aelin and Yankie MacTavish have taken seats on the new council, and Bonquida might still get a seat if anyone vacates their seat. I should also say that Aelin is now Duke of the County (?), the first MacTavish to hold such high office.

Personally speaking, I have recovered from both my computer virus and my 'flu virus. No lasting damage was done except that when my hard drive melted down the fire destroyed the MacTavish archives. The worst loss was the total destruction of the carefully compiled MacTavish genealogy and family tree. I'm thinking of an alternative way of doing it as I write...

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