Thursday, May 15, 2008

A letter to a kinswoman (long post)

Recently I sent the following to a relative in Lanark who is concerned about the recent 2 week forum ban placed on Sajanzv for 'flaming'. Apparently it is quite an issue locally. As a member of the Privy Council of the Regent (where 2 of the 3 flames occurred) I have access to the relevant threads. I cannot quote them, but can give a bit of my view.

Anyway, I have received a number of letters about the issue. So I have published here the most comprehensive response I've yet given. So that we all know my personal views on it.

I write you about the issue with your friend. I looked at at least three of the threads which caused his troubles. I can only say what I think of the situation and what follows is my personal view at the moment.

Firstly, as usual, Saj had a good idea. What he then did, however, was act like 'a bull in a china shop'. He accused two other players of lying, made his good idea into a 'all or nothing' demand. My own view is that that is not any way to talk to anyone in this game, let alone the Regent in the Regent's home. So he basically got suspended for bad manners.

Secondly, it is important to note that it was for forum breaches, not the RP or political aspects of what was said, that Saj received his penalty. In the linlithgow threads, others intervened but Saj came back for more. It was only then that the matter was referred to the censors. An appeal occurred. Their initial decision was upheld. Many fine scots have worn a ban for similar reasons (I recall once when our general, captain, count and trade minister all had bans on them).

Thirdly, the whole issue of the Regent and 'democracy' is a very delicate issue. Being Scots, there are different views on it and they are often strongly put. In this situation, to flame and insult could lead to very serious consequences, such as outright rebellion, repression, civil war.

As Saj is a player who has obviously invested a huge amount of time and energy into the game for all of our benefit I imagine his forum ban is causing him great sadness. I hope that he has got over the shock and decided to remain and continue to participate. It would be sad for him and for Scotland if he did not. Sadly, as the issue which he raised became 'political' with his raising it, I suspect that it will now take awhile longer to achieve what he originally asked than it once would have.

In my dealings with Seer she has always been considered in what she does. She is very aware of the anti-regent position held by many. She may even hold those views herself for all we know. Even if I don't feel comfortable with her at times, I would trust the power to be in her hands more than any other player I can think of (and I have had dealings with most of the leading characters in the land). The fact that she has not gone around and stuck her nose into everything says something about her own concerns regarding the power that is in the regent's hands.
I can't speak of Dragon of Lyons Hall, having not known him long enough. He did seem to be leading Saj on. Saj should have realised the nature of the contest. Live and learn.

I don't know what england is like, having never been there. To date the main battles in this land, to keep us distinct, seems to have been around the co-operative nature of scottish society and our clannishness. I hope this never changes. Another difference is that we have a regent who questions her own position more intelligently than any others I've yet heard speak on it and who has refused to interfere in the people's affairs even when all else around urged her to do so. She has not boasted of this, and the events in her chambers are basically kept in-house to allow honesty within. But this has been the case.

I fear that many who speak of 'democracy' actually want the strongest and the loudest to get their way without the risk of authorities preventing that (I'm not saying this about Saj, but several other Gunn's can act that way). People of high ability often would set the world up as a meritocracy. And that can be even more exclusive than a royalty.

I'd be interested to know what Loren Soth thinks of this all.

None of us like everything in the constitution, and the clans probably gave away more than any other group. The challenge will now be for the National Assembly to keep the ship of state afloat. The MacTavish Representatives on the Assembly will both be independent types.

I've said more than enough. Talkative me! I guess it boils down to - there was a reason for what happened, the decision was appealed, and in my opinion there has been no lasting harm done to anything but people's pride. I hope.

Yours truly,

Hopes he hasn't upset too many people by baring his soul here.

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