Saturday, February 16, 2008

While the servers are down - musings

Here I am on a Friday night at the Hearth, thinking my thoughts and scribbling them down.

Lucifera, we'll need a day or two's notice if we are to get to Wiggie from Whithorn. I'm thinking of it seriously, might chop a bit of wood at the same time for me smith's forge...

The UCS thing is a real mixed bag of things from a clan chief's perspective. It throws into stark reality the clannish nature of scottish politics. This will be showing itself pretty majorly in Ayr at the moment. Will be interested in any stories from Ayr over the present fortnight.

One thing I am real glad about is that I stayed clear of the term 'United' in our clan's little slogan at our clan forum. I went for 'Scotland - Strong, Free, Independent' over 'Scotland - Strong, United, Independent'. I think I'd rather be free than 'united'. As things stand, we are united with most other clans via the UCS. Two active Ayr (Munro and O'Broin) clans and one local Whithorn clan (Frasers) have stayed out of the UCS political party. Philosophically they do so from a sense of independence. I don't think it will be fatal for anyone, and it does add a bit of spice to the mix. It's funny, but O'Broins voted to walk out of the UCS as we voted to walk in.

And, in case you're wondering, within the UCS I think we MacTavishes have already made ourselves heard in the direction the party is going. Although it wouldn't surprise me if someone starts pulling the numbers on us. For the moment, however, it's a case of watch and learn.

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