Saturday, February 16, 2008

Territorial musings

More Musings

I have been looking around at historical stuff on MacTavish. Found this site which contains a lot more useful information than you'd expect at first glance. For the moment, I looked at the maps as it has been a mytery to me where exactly in Argyll our historical lands actually lie. I now have much better Idea - South of Kilmartin (the River Add, actually), North of Castle Sween, West of Highway 83, East of the Isle of Jura. The site of Dunnardrie and the castle/fort is on the River Add at the north of the territory. The Knapdale forest is solid MacTavish country. I wonder if this land is going to be a wood town ingame?

I have yet to go for a cyberjourney to the ahistorical lands I have creatively carved out for us to the North of Loch Lomond - in the Trossarchs (mountainous woody country - would become MacGregor land in the 16th century).

If Argyll opens up ingame for colonisation, would be pretty cool if we established a strong presence in the area around Dunnardrie. Until that glorious day, I intend to stay based in Whithorn. Of course, there'll probably be a lot of Campbells claiming Argyll as their own, so expect to have a bit of jostling amongst the clans. And don't fall for the propoganda which says MacTavish are in some way junior to Campbell. We're not.

I'll post the maps up to give you an easy look (it took me awhile to work it all out) as soon as I find time and inclination to do so.


kwakiutlCS said...
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kwakiutlCS said...

If Argyll is to open shouldn't be for now as it doesn't connect with Ayr.
There is still Clyde between the 2 counties.
So I'm putting my money in Clyde.

Adelaide Gamer said...

I reckon it'll be Dumfries, along the english border to the North of Galloway.