Saturday, November 10, 2007

Town and County Economics (long post)

I borrowed the following from this post in archive forums. Although long, it gives and idea of how things work economically in our towns and county. Some of you might find it interesting.

hypno wrote:

First we have no road with any other counties (so no export money)

How the county makes money,
from the selling of animal to the rancher (malus the fodder needed to breed it). -From Gold mine that makes dirrectly money to the county
-From iron mines (we sell iron to blacksmith)
-From weekly tax tavern 20 pounds each (that is automatic)
From the election list (each to be a full list for county election need to paid 1200p that go to county funds)

What is the expense of the county
-Buying of the fodder (if shortage sometime we paid more then what the animal will gives from it)
-Marshals wage (soldiers that defend each town)
-Miners wage (and since we have more mines of stone and iron combine, if all mines are full we loose around 600 pounds a days that we can try to have more money be selling iron but with out trade road pretty hard, blacsmith just need a small amount of what is produce)
-And can loose money if need to do upgrade of a mine after one get downgrade
-the 8 pounds job on the mines page cost 8 pounds to county for absolute nothing back

Now for the town hall money add:
-Lordship IG each days a house of common lorship make sthe town hall get 4 pounds and a lorship of house of lords gives 9 pounds. (very important if you want to help the games and the town to takes those)
-Sell made by the TH, they buy stuffs on auto buy and resell it at higher price on market. -tax if a mayor is crazy enough to create one (very unpopular mesure)
-what is sold in Town hall tavern (beer and meal) Cost of town hall
-Wage of the town militia
-Weekly 20 pounds tax tavern to the county
-wage of state way for state point (each time mayor buy or sold something with out grant that cost him state point, same if he sent letters or start a trial, to get back point he need to hire state way that can produce those point)

Now for the global economy,
i will make analogy think of the county has a pool and the money is the water. Some of teh thing takes out money from it some other add money in it. What create money on the dychy economy -Gold mines (they transform iron and stone into money, since the maintenance require iron and stone, more miners more maintenance cost is high but more gold enter)
-church work (when you work for the church the 5 pounds come from nowwhere)
-Lucky event (when they gives money that create money in the county)
-Vote for the games (the 6 number vote on the uper right in game, each days if people vote in it that gives them 1 pound at reset, takes example that 50 people by town of teh duchy do that, that add 200 pounds of money into the economy of the county, really need to remind people to do it)
-the 50 pounds on creation of character by new player
-exportation (but right now impossible to do with no road)

What remove money from the economy:
-the level up, when you paid the 90 pounds, 500 pounds or 1000 pounds depend of the level, that money is takes by the system so it's a lost to the pool)
-The beer, each beer that is buy, 0.7 pounds return to system and that money lost in the economy)
-Buying of second field to the system not from other player (this money is remove from teh pool also)
-switching field cost 50 pounds (again money that dispear from economy)
-Buying of tavern 100 pounds
-switching shop 500 pounds
-buying of card deck from the NPC merchant 50 pounds (that will come soon enough for the poker in tavern)
-buying of table for poker 50 pounds
-level 3 study 5 pounds each time

Now i am sure i forget a lot but you see a lot remove money from the economy. that why it's important to have lordship, and people vote for the game. More money in the economy more the grow of the county.

If you have more question just ask

I have found a similarly informative post of Hypno's on the 'trajectory' of a new economy, such as is found in a Colony County like Galloway and, more particularly, wherever the next Scottish colony will be.

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