Friday, November 2, 2007

Children of the Mist v Scotts Nationalists

Debates have been going for awhile on the forums about a proposed 'RP robbery' law for Scotland. Things keep getting heated to much for the mods of the forums (who regularly are imposing cooling off periods and/or locking threads). Out of it all there has come about a competition for the upcoming County elections. Between the governing group (SNP - Scottish National Party) and their challengers (CotM - Children of the Mist).

I am not going to say how you should vote, or how I shall vote. I would just like to encourage you all to keep an eye on the candidates when they hassle you for votes. Don't let them put you off of visiting the taverns, but don't let their excitement get you too riled up. I know for me, a classic politician brings out the mocker in me. I try and watch it, but not always too good at this.

For the record, I have reproduced below my recent post about the issue on the Children of the Mist thread on the forums (CotM is the name of the opposition political party that is running for upcoming County election). I posted under a subtitle of 'My Pesonal View Only.'

CoM were descendants of MacAlpin, the family of first scottish king Kenneth [NB MacTavish also trace descent back through Kenneth MacAlpin]. Hundreds of years ago. Associated with MacGregors, most famously nearly 100 years in future of ig timeline .

I like not this talk of guilt by association, would that not make all us scotts guilty as charged? I for one am proud of association with Clan MacGregor. I don't yet have opinion on practicality of robbery law. My prime allegiance is to Scotland (Galloway).

Prosperity is good. Freedom is good. Difference and debate is good. I agree with Aqueron. Run the election. Debate in Council. Vote.

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