Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Clan Update

Scotland seems to have a population which varies between 3100 and 3200 souls across its two counties. Around 320 are presently in one of the various clans. There are 30 MacTavishes at time of writing (this includes 3 who appear to have either gone 'inactive' or who have told me they will shortly do so).

Their are seven towns in Scotland at the moment. MacTavishes are in 4-5 of them. The average scottish town seems to have 430 - 470 inhabitants, with around 120 level 1, 22 level 2 and 4 - 10 level 3. Our clan presently has 0 level 3, 4 level 2, 26 level 1. Several level 1s are on the cusp of going to level 2. The majority or our clan was 'born' in scotland ingame, and in that sense we remain a 'young' clan.

Our greatest concentration is in Whithorn (Galloway), where around half of the clan presently resides. Drummore has now got 6 members, 3 in Wigtown, the remainder in County Ayr.

It took us 2 months and 1 week to double in size from November 1, when we had 15 members. We were the third largest clan then, we are the third largest clan now. There are five applicants at present, likely to all become MacTavish within the next week.

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