Friday, June 27, 2008

Peacekeeping in Kirk

Just to show how RK can take off from under your feet, I somehow ended up leading a group of Whithorn Rangers to Kirk. Here we are, a bunch of farmer militia from over the hills, patrolling the strange streets of Kirk and trying to keep the locals from tearing each other apart as they get over the shock of having their town hall overrun by thieves and subsequently trashed and looted. Not a pretty sight.

And while all that's happening outside, I'm aiding negotiations between the factions inside. Talk about a strange situation.

And to think it all started out as a regular monthly two day patrol to nearby Wigtown.

Monday, June 23, 2008

On Travelling Freely

At present a handful of thieves are gaining far more prominence than their deeds warrant. They do this because the RSA in its peacetime persona is effectively unable to 'take out' the robber bands because to do so would cause a lot of injury and death amongst innocent travelers caught in the crossfire. Luckily, the thieves are themselves ineffective against well organised groups of travellers (armed mobs of sufficient strength and weaponry to fight off any high level brigand).

The ideal prey of the robber is a lone level 1 with their lifesavings in their backpack, setting out to start a new life. Or a small bunch of disorganised low level revellers going on a county wide pub-crawl.

I would hate for a bunch of MacTavishes heading to a clan gathering to be mistaken for a garden variety pub-crawler by these thieves. Besides our good cheer, we should also maintain our reputation for toughness. Do that by travelling in armed mobs and retinues, armed with shafts (swords and shields are no good for 'peacetime' combats against robbers). Communicate, don't be afraid to ask other relatives in your town or county if they can lend a hand.

I'd like to know that all the Dry's and Prut's and other assorted thieves will keep their distance when they hear a bunch of MacTavishes marching by!

Copied from our clan's forum

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Letter to a Campbell

The (in)famous JuliusOctavius has recently assumed leadership of the Scottish branch of the Campbells. I have been having a brief friendly exchange with him. He asked me about where we stand on 'official alliances' between clans etc. I thought my response might be interesting to those of you who care about such things. So here it is...

Julius Octavius Campbell, greetings from Whithorn on the sea!

I find that a good daily workout, smashing steel in my forge, helps me appear level headed when I emerge in public. Whatever works...

As to Clan business, I have been approached by various clan leaders over time seeking these 'official' alliances of which you speak. I say to you what I have previously said to them,

I do not presently abide by the concept of 'official' clan alliances, at least in regards to ourselves. We regard all clans as our blood allies, even when that blood is running hot.

I place great regard in the clan 'system', though I recognise it as being potentially Scotland's weakest point as well as its strongest asset. When contesting matters of honour I always try and also keep in mind this point. But, if a clan breaks with us, I am sure our emnity will be as pronounced as our friendship. I hope it never comes to that.

There is much work that can be done to strengthen links between the clans. We, for example, will soon be congregating in Ayr for a Shindig with your relatives. By partying with them we build a link to you guys.

I see two things as majorly strategically important for the mid to long term future of clans ... how the concept of organised clan militias translates into practice, and how strongly we continue to stamp Scotland's clannish nature upon our national and county institutions and cultures.

Always keen to exchange views,

Dracmuller MacTavish of Whithorn
Chieftain of Clan MacTavish

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

McKenzie replies

Greetings Dracmuller,

I'm more then certain that we'd find you and your kin places to rest their heads. Several days spanning a weekend would be perfect. A Bonfire and a grand cooking would be a great idea!

I have let my town Mayor, who is also a McKenzie, she has said she will try to have a good feast prepared in the taverns. The only question I have is if you know roughly how many will be showing?

To a grand friendship,
Kishen McKenzie

I've replied that we should have a rough idea of numbers within a few days, and asked him if possible to (1) not be too publicly specific with the dates, and (2) have the RSA keep alert for robbers.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Letter to the McKenzie about a shindig

Kishen McKenzie of Girvan is the Chieftain of his Clan, the most significant indigenous clan of Ayr. He and most of his kin live in the same town, one day by foot from Wigtown, two from Whithorn and Kirk, three from Drummore, Lanark, Stirling and Ardencaple. In recent correspondence (not recorded here) he accepted an offer to extend an invitation to us (!) for a shindig (party) between our clans. Because of the travel time involved, we are looking at departing in around two weeks. Hopefully that allows enough time for people to put their affairs in order.

Below is one of my letters, suggesting a possible date.

Greetings Kishen,

Thankyou for your warm reply to my query. It gladdens me that civility amongst true scots is still a virtue that is valued.

I have broached with my kin the concept of a shindig in your fair town. If you could put us up there would probably be groups arriving from both Glasgow and Galloway for the affair. I have suggested several days, spanning a weekend - gotta think of all those to whom weekends are not good for RK as well - in which RP and tavern crawls occur. Perhaps a grand bonfire, cows on a spit with side threads of all sorts?

Three or four days spanning the weekend of 5-6 July would probably be good logistically, and not too far away that people lose focus...

Your thoughts?

Dracmuller MacTavish

Sunday, June 8, 2008

It's been too long!

Having returned from his trip to the borderlands in Eastern Galloway, Drac settles in at the Hearth to recount a little of his recent experiences.

I set out in a travel group from Whithorn with Asbgas and Helian MacTavish. We met up with Aelin MacTavish in Wigtown, and travelled on to Kirk the following day. We spent a day there (I worked someone's field) and met up with Malons Knight MacTavish who was stranded there. Then it was on to Dumfries.

Dumfries has only about 140 residents. There were quite a few nobles around when we arrived, but that is because it is so near the border and there was a fair bit of interest in events there at the time. Most of these nobles left over the following week. It was very strange to see myself and Asbgas as amongst the highest ranked folk in town on the town list.

I spent a couple days cutting wood, and the next four or five days 'guarding the power'. I sold them a couple blunt axes as I knew that there weren't enough resident smiths there to keep things going smoothly. I gather that there is generally a shortage of stat workers in town also, though not as chronic as it used to be.

There were three pubs in town. Generally always someone around. Market was sparse, but enough food to eat. I managed to get a blue bonnet there on my first day (haven't seen one anywhere else). Forbes are probably the major clan, but they seemed less hostile than the Forbes of Drum. Sadly, I think that some of the Forbes way of doing things has been seen by other locals and has been a disincentive to join a clan. Sigh.

I didn't do any active recruiting but I think we created a good impression (which is at least as important). In fact, by not recruiting we may have advanced our reputation.

While in Dumfries Asbgas and myself went on a bit of a tour of the castle. Actually, we went and looked at some catacombs beneath the castle, and barely escaped with our lives. Due to some quick wit on Asbgas' part I was able to able to bring back an ancient roman dagger blade to add to the collection of knives I have at my forge.

The return trip was fairly uneventful. I missed catching up with Jazstar as we passed through Kirk, but we weren't going to delay our return as our money was running out and our farms needed attention.

All in all, a valuable expedition. I would encourage all MacTavishes to have a bit of a journey beyond the next town on the road. You can appreciate the diversity of this huge community best by spending a little time in various places.

Of course, now I've been bitten by the travel bug again, I want to travel again. Perhaps a trip to Lanark?